Double Court Bob Minor, Double Norwich Court Bob Major, Cambridge Surprise

Right Places

All of the methods discussed on this page are "right place" methods. Any time a place is made—two consecutive blows in the same position in the row—it is a handstroke followed by a backstroke, or "hand to back". (Places that are made back to hand are called "wrong places".) This is achieved by having all pairs of bells cross every backstroke-to-handstroke change.

Double Court Bob Minor

123456 241356 243615 462531 465123 614523 156342 214365 423165 426351 645213 641532 165432

While the treble hunts up or down, places are made on either side of the treble. Effectively, the hunting only takes place on four bells. The pair of bells outside the group with the treble dodges.

123456 426351 462531 165432 156342 24365 24356 42365 24365 64523 46523 64532 64523 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

At the half lead and lead end (while the treble lies at the back and leads), both inside pairs cross.

42635 46253 65432 56342 123456 24365 24356 42365 24365 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 64523 46523 64532 64523 1 1 1 1

The bell that makes 4ths while the treble hunts 2–3 passes the treble and makes 3rds while the treble hunts 4–5. This is called "court places" around the treble. The 3rd place bell does this in the first half of the lead while 5th place bell does it in reverse in the second half of the lead

123456 214365 241356 423165 243615 426351 462531 645213 465123 641532 614523 165432 156342

Double Norwich Court Bob Major

Double Norwich is an expansion of Double Court to Major. The treble now takes three whole pulls to hunt from front to back, so there are three sets of hunting on four, with two pairs of bells dodging each time.

12345678 42638571 46283751 16847253 18674523 2436587 2435678 4236587 2436578 4263587 2436587 6482735 4628735 6482753 4682735 6487253 6482735 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Cambridge Surprise Major

In Cambridge the treble is treble-bob hunting rather than plain hunting, but the whole pulls in which the treble hunts have the same structure as in Double Court/Double Norwich.

12345678 21436587 12463857 62418375 62148735 26748153 27641835 72465831 74256813 47528631 74256831 47528613 45782631 54871632 58476123 85176432 85716342 15783624 51738264 15372846 15738264 2648375 2643857 2647853 6247835 7246853 2764853 5487623 4578623 8574632 5874623 5873624 5876342 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

While the treble dodges, places are made on either side of it. The overall effect of this is that when the treble dodges, most other bells hunt. There is one exception, when the treble is dodging in 5–6 (up or down). Ringers historically prefer methods where the penultimate place is not made above the treble, so instead of making 7ths above the treble dodge, there is a 7–8 dodge as well. This is what gives rise to the double dodges at the back in all stages of Cambridge.

2436587 2463857 6248375 6248735 2674853 2764835 7246583 7425683 4752863 4578263 5487632 5847623 8576432 8576342 5783624 5738264 12345678 2648375 2643857 2647853 6247835 7246853 2764853 47528631 74256831 5487623 4578623 8574632 5874623 5873624 5876342 15372846 15738264 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

The court places of Double Court and Double Norwich are expanded with a dodge with the treble in the center, and places while the treble dodges before and after the places while the treble is hunting. This entire sequence (usually also with dodges at the beginning and end) is called Cambridge places.

12345678 2143658712463857216483752614385762418375621487352641785362471835267481532764183572468153276485137246583174256813475286317425683147528613457826315487621345786123548716325847612385741632587146238517643285716342581736245187634215783624517382641537284615738264

Cambridge Surprise Maximus

Just for fun, here's Cambridge Surprise Maximus with all the places around the treble highlighted.

1234567890ET 2143658709TE 124638507T9E 21648305T7E9 261438507T9E 62418305T7E9 6214803T5E79 264108T3E597 6240183T5E79 260481T3E597 206418TE3957 024681ET9375 20648E1T3957 0246E8T19375 042E681T9735 40E286T17953 042E68T71935 40E2867T9153 4E08276T1935 E48072T69153 4E08276T9513 E48072T65931 E8470T256913 8E74T0529631 E8470T256931 8E74T0529613 87ET45092631 78TE54906213 87ET45096123 78TE54901632 7T85E9406123 T7589E041632 7T85E9014623 T7589E106432 T5798E016342 5T97E8103624 T579E1806342 5T971E083624 59T7E1038264 957T1E302846 5971TE038264 9517ET302846 9571E3T20486 59173E2T4068 5197E3T20486 15793E2T4068 517392E4T6081537294E6T80157392E4T608

Cambridge Surprise Minor

Because of the no-penultimate-place-over-treble rule, this pattern is a bit less visible on only six bells.

123456 214365 124635 216453 261435 624153 621435 264153 624513265431256413524631256431524613542631456213546123451632456123541632514623156432516342153624156342

Yorkshire Surprise Major

Yorkshire is Cambridge above the treble, meaning places are made above the treble's dodging and hunting just as in Cambridge. Below the treble is also Cambridge, but with a twist—2nds and 5ths place bells act as a sort of second treble, and the others ring Cambridge Surprise Minor (i.e. one stage lower) as if the second treble were "the" treble.

12345678 21436587 12463857 21648375 26143857 62418375 26148735 62417853 64271835467281534627183564728153467825136487523168472513867452316847253186745213876425317846521387456123785416327845612387541632857146235817643285716342581736245187634215783624517382641537284615738264